We help partners address urgent challenges and make meaningful impact.
Our Services
We are prepared to meet you exactly where you are.
Each client and context is unique. Our team is poised to engage at any of these five stages, ready to provide integrated capacity, targeted assistance, and ongoing support.

dis·cov·er (di-ˈskə-vər )
To make known or visible; to find out; to expose.
“Discover.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/discover.
We Seek to Understand
We ground our work in understanding your community’s context and those you serve, building on evidence-based, community-centered research and listening.
This can include research and analysis, assessment, ecosystem mapping, and more.
de·sign di-ˈzīn
To create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan; to conceive and plan out in the mind; to devise for a specific function or end.
“Design.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/design.
We Build Together
We identify and co-create solutions to your challenges and are by your side from conceptualization through adoption.
This can include strategic planning, financial modeling, monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability framework, and more.
im·ple·ment ˈim-plə-ˌment
To carry out, accomplish; to provide instruments or means of expression for.
“Implement.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/implement.
We Partner to Act
We help bring your innovative ideas to life, driving meaningful outcomes and supporting your needs along the way.
This can include program testing and iterative design, project management, network coordination, facilitation, and more.
mea·sure ˈme-zhər
To estimate or appraise by a criterion.
“Measure.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/measure.
We Ensure Growth
We help you make data-driven decisions by understanding what’s working and opportunities for improvement.
This can include monitoring and evaluation, tools for evidence-based decision making, survey and focus groups, data and performance, and more.
sus·tain sə-ˈstān
To give support or relief to.
“Sustain.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sustain.
We Support Longevity
We strengthen the foundation for you to sustain and scale your impact.
This can include establishing cross-sector coalitions and backbone support, building infrastructure and capacity, fundraising strategy and tools for scalability.
Practice Areas
Our team has deep subject matter expertise in a wide range of policy issues including workforce development, affordable housing, community violence, reentry, health equity, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, youth programming, and education.

Making Multi-Sector Change
We are a trusted partner to convene and facilitate innovation in the communities we serve.
From cities looking to address youth violence, to statewide community engagement, we work with government at all levels.
We understand the nuances of working in a not-for-profit environment, and offer capacity and measurable outcomes.
Philanthropic organizations want to ensure their investments are effective. We help guide those allocations and work with grantees to improve outcomes.
Mission-Driven Businesses
More and more traditional companies are recognizing the importance of meaningful internal and external initiatives. We understand the balance of profit and impact.
From Our Clients
“The institution I lead was facing big transitions coming out of COVID. Social Contract helped my leadership team better understand the needs and challenges facing our organization. In turn, this understanding created a nurturing space for honest conversations about strategic change. Working with Social Contract was a real turning point in our process.”
- Molly Giordano, Executive Director, Delaware Art Museum