"Individually, we are one drop.
Together, we are an ocean."

- Ryunosike Satoro

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Angélica Rengifo Gómez

Senior Consultant

Angélica Rengifo Gómez manages a portfolio of social impact consulting projects and provides strategic, tactical and operational support to specific external and internal initiatives. Prior to this role, Angélica worked as a management, innovation, and governance consultant for civil society organizations, foundations, companies and government agencies across the Americas; and, in capacity-building programs for nonprofit organizations, focused on strategy, governance, innovation, and institutional strengthening. 

She graduated from Universidad Icesi in Cali, Colombia where she majored in economics. She also holds a Master of Science in International Affairs from The New School in New York. Angélica is originally from Colombia and currently lives in Brooklyn, New York with her family, where she spends her free time discovering new local restaurants, hiking, and knitting.