"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." - Maya Angelou

Raven Scott


Prior to joining Social Contract, Raven served as the Director of Leadership and Character in Athletics at Wake Forest University. In her capacity, Raven was instrumental in orchestrating conferences, workshops, and immersive experiences for both students and staff. Her portfolio includes initiatives such as Call to Conversation, Revive and Thrive Women of Color Conference, The Black Women's Leadership Retreat, and ongoing series with leaders of student organizations and athletics teams. Raven's diverse educational background and career journey have taken her from teaching high school in Jackson, Mississippi, to instructing English in Madrid, Spain. She has also played a pivotal role in developing leadership workshops for Strive: How You Lead Matters, a leadership non-profit. Drawing from her expertise in team building, facilitation, and relationship building, Raven is the founder of Chasing Light Collective and The Training Ground. These programs respectively support women in their personal discernment and leadership, and offer a unique volleyball team building experience.

Raven earned her M.A. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Mississippi and holds a certification as a Higher Education leadership coach through Rice University’s Doerr Institute. Her commitment to education and leadership development is evident in her multifaceted career and the impactful programs she has founded.